YOUMARES’14 is on the horizon!๐ŸŒŠ

Share your ideas on how to address the challenges our oceans face today and actively contribute to intelligent preservation and sustainable ocean management๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ€


Thanks to your active participation in our survey, the conference theme has been decided with a 52.9% vote: Ocean Resilience in a Changing Climate: Adapting to Environmental Shifts๐ŸŒ



Explore the Book of Abstracts, which showcases a diverse range of marine research studies from various countries

Book of Abstracts


Join us between 15-17 May 2024, where we will not only explore the contributions of early-career marine researchers to marine conservation but also discuss the potential collaboration between science and industry for a sustainable future.


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The conference book has been released!

You can now access comprehensive details about the conference program, featuring the Ocean Forum, keynote and plenary speeches, scientific oral and poster sessions, workshop, science meets with industry evening, and side events.

Conference Book



If you would like to support our conference as a sponsor, please visit the following links:

๐Ÿšย Information paper
๐Ÿšย Sponsorship document and benefits