Starting off as a national students’ event under the auspices of German Society for Marine Research (DGM), YOUMARES has expanded over the years to a worldwide network and international meeting of young marine researchers and experts.

The YOUMARES is an international conference for early career scientist working in any ocean related field. Since 2009, it has taken place each year with different scientific topics related to marine sciences. Bringing together participants from all over the world, we provide the stage for an interdisciplinary community of young early career marine researchers – bachelor, master and PhD students – and young ocean enthusiasts. The conference is a platform for presenting and discussing your ongoing research while building up a network with other young marine researchers.
We invite you to share your ideas on how to solve the problems that our oceans are facing today and become an active part in solving the challenges on the way to an intelligent preservation and a sustainable management of the oceans.
With the beginning of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development the UN identified key societal outcomes which should be achieved until 2030. Those cover a variety of ocean related fields and simultaneously touch upon the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goals of the Ocean Decade will be a guiding framework of this conference series over the next 10 years.
YOUMARES was organised for the first time in 2009 as network meeting for YOUng MArine RESearchers. Within the German Society for Marine Research (DGM) the Working Group on Studies and Education was founded to organize that yearly event. Since 2009 YOUMARES has developed into the largest meeting for young marine scientists in Germany. It is now well-known among young researchers as an excellent platform to present results in a professional atmosphere that, at the same time, still manages to avoid the sometimes overwhelming character of established scientific meetings. The concept is to exchange ideas in an easy-to-talk-to group of similar minds. In other words, it has grown up while remaining young at heart.
YOUMARES is a bottom-up organized conference and is non-profit oriented, which means that the work is done by volunteers and the conference costs are mainly covered by sponsors as well as our conference fee.
Dr. Sebastian Ferse from the YOUMARES 4 Young Science Committee wrote for example: “When I first became active in the small working group of the DGM from which the original idea for a ‘small network meeting’ developed, I had a vague idea of a potential platform that would reflect the current situation of students in the broad area of marine sciences and would provide some opportunities for exchange of thoughts and experiences. YOUMARES has since outgrown our wildest thoughts.”