Meet Our Team
Wondering who is behind the YOUMARES13 conference?
Our organisation team comprises motivated young researchers with different backgrounds in marine science and technology, who work voluntarily on the planning of the upcoming YOUMARES conference. We are young marine researchers organising a conference for young marine researchers.
Now you will know who is who!
We are always happy to welcome crew members on board!

MSc. Student in Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Sciences, Universität Hamburg
Hey, I am here again!
My name is Diana Rico, a tropical specimen that lives in Germany. I am a biologist, currently doing my master’s degree in marine ecosystems and fisheries sciences at the University of Hamburg, and I work as a research assistant in sustainability in the maritime industry. Passionate about marine biology, environmental education, and citizen science. Working in line with the SDGs and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development. Highly interested in marine governance and ecosystem-based management. My passion for the oceans has brought me here. This is my fourth year participating in the YOUMARES conference, and this year I had again the honor of leading such an incredible orga-team. I invite you to join us, meet amazing researchers, and let’s talk about our oceans.
Looking forward to seeing you at the YOUMARES 13 conference

Completed my undergraduate studies in China and now doing MSc in Marine Science at The National University of Malaysia. When I was growing up, we always spent the weekend by the nearby beach and I had always loved the ocean ever since. Currently, my research focuses on foraminiferal geochemistry and incorporating the data to observe how the sea changes over time. I believe that the ocean can be well protected if everyone takes part in sharing and exchanging knowledge of their research on different aspects of the ocean. By joining YOUMARES 13, I am hoping that I can meet with other marine scientists and learn something new from all the amazing talks.

Hi, my name is Nadja, I am a recent graduate of the Scottish Association for Marine Science (@samsmarinescience) with a BSc in Marine Science with Oceanography and Robotics. For the past four years I have learned about how important the sea is on planet Earth, and about conducting research to help protect this marvelous three-dimensional environment. My interest in the sea stems from sailing voyages and experiencing wild marine life as a child. I am still that same child from Germany, who came to Scotland to be at the sea, and study in English. And I joined YOUMARES last year to be proactive in sharing the knowledge we have about the global ocean. This year I am part of the YOUMARES talks – monthly science chats and discussions held online. I hope you enjoy the conference, it is a pleasure to work with this fantastic international team!

My biggest passion is the ocean and the fish that live in it. I studied biology in Hamburg before I moved to New Zealand, where I got both my MSc and PhD in Marine Science asking questions about how marine fish populations are linked to their environment and how they adapt to changes. I use traditional population assessment tools in combination with modern biochemistry to understand differences in fish population demographics, trophic ecology and reproductive potential. I love meeting like minded people and organising things – which is why I joined the YOUMARES team in 2021! I am looking forward to this year’s conference and meeting young marine scientists from all over the world!

MSc Island Biodiversity and Conservation, BSc Ecology
I have just completed my Island Biodiversity and Conservation MSc at the University of Exeter and have an undergraduate Ecology BSc from Bangor University. I have interests in a variety of areas including genetics, climate change, and island ecosystems. Currently based in the Channel Islands (UK) I was working on my MSc thesis concerning the impact of seabed temperature change on commercially valuable crustacean species. I enjoy elements of science communication running my own blog and instagram page (@emmyinthewild), therefore when joining the YOUMARES team managing the website was the perfect fit for me!

BSc. in Marine Science with Oceanography and Robotics (SAMS-UHI)
I am Ilaria – a scientist, an activist, an artist. I became passionate about the oceans while growing up in a landlocked city, proof that anyone can grow to care about their health. I am a fresh graduate in Marine Science, and every day I learn something new about the seas that makes me want to be exploring them forever. This past year, I have studied how light behaves underneath the Arctic ice cover, using data collected by an icebreaker frozen in the ice pack; now, I am investigating salmon parasites and their microscopic, whizzing larvae. From aquaculture to the polar seas, everything marine catches my curiosity – I hope to convey my enthusiasm for our wild planet to as many people as possible!

I’m a Colombian biologist with a master degree in marine resource management, interested in the ecology and conservation of marine species, sustainable fisheries, environmental education and empowerment of coastal communities. Currently, I´m working at Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) as the environmental education and outreach coordinator in Tortuguero, Costa Rica and also I´m volunteering in Fundación Coriacea, Sea Ocean Alliance (SOA) and YOUMARES. I’m very excited to learn new things, meet people and have the chance to develop some alliances at the conference this year.

I am an Italian Climate Physics master student at Utrecht University with a passion for the Ocean. With a background in Mathematics and Economics I have an interest in combining my quantitative and soft skills towards a sustainable future. I will be soon involved in a research project on tracking the movement and origin of marine debris. In my own time I like learning about marine ecology and the interactions of biology with physics. I joined the YOUMARES team in 2022 with the goal of expanding awareness and passion for the Ocean.

I’m a young Peruvian marine biologist who graduated from Chile. I’m currently studying a master’s degree in History of Science and Scientific Communication at the University of Valencia in Spain. I’m also part of Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA), leading the team in Chile and also as a member of the Youth Policy Advisory Council (YPAC), participating in different initiatives and projects of an oceanic political nature. I have joined YOUMARES this year, since, like the team, I consider essential the work of promoting youth marine scientific research, in order to contribute to solving the problems that the ocean is facing, from a more current and sustainable.

I am currently working as a PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark on a project focusing on marine fixation of dinitrogen (N2) gas in Danish coastal waters in the context of rapid climate change in those waters. My work has always been fundamentally interdisciplinary in the field of geobiology and combines biogeochemical, oceanographic and geo(micro)biological thinking and methods with an ambition to contribute to the political conversation around climate change and sustainability. I am very excited to be able to be part of this year’s YOUMARES conference and I am looking forward to sharing knowledge and passion about our oceans.

Selen Baba – M.A. in English-Speaking Cultures: Text, Media and Language
Hello again supporters and participants of YOUMARES. I hold a Master’s degree in English-Speaking Cultures from the University of Bremen and working as Sustainable Investment Research Assistant. Last year, I was a part of the conference as an Ice-breaker speaker and workshop instructor about the “blue mind.” A passionate aquaholic and experienced open-water Scuba diver, I also work on a volunteer basis for YOUMARES (Conference for young marine researchers), founded by the German Society for Marine Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung e.V. (DGM)).
I wish to meet you all at the YOUMARES 13 in Berlin.

I am a marine biologist and currently doing my master`s degree in biological oceanography at the GEOMAR Helmholtz-institute in Kiel, Germany. My main research topic nowadays is how artificial light at night could change the behaviour of benthic marine invertebrates.For my master thesis, I joined GEOMAR’s GAME project to study this question in the central Baltic Sea. This year I decided to become part of the YOUMARES13 team to help organize this amazing and interesting event. Through this, I hope to meet many new people, talk to other marine scientists and discuss new interesting topics and to learn more for my future from this experience.

I’m in love with the ocean and the wildlife fauna, especially with marine fauna. I’m studying veterinary medicine at the University of Antioquia in Colombia and I have been focusing my career on wildlife conservation through ecotourism. I joined YOUMARES in 2021 as a volunteer to help and give support to this wonderful event. I expect to connect with other marine scientists that also are in love with the ocean in order to learn and share ideas about its conservation.

My love for spending as much time as possible in the water has developed into a passion for our ocean. I am originally from Germany but have lived and studied on the beautiful Scottish West Coast for the past four years and just recently graduated from the Scottish Association for Marine Science with my BSc in Marine Science with Robotics and Oceanography. My main interest lies is physical oceanography and the role of our ocean in the global climate. While I have a strong interest in advaning our understanding of the ocean, I believe it is equally important to share existing knowledge with a broad audience in a meaningful way. I joined the YOUMARES team to meet and learn from other young marine scientists.

BSc Oceanography, MSc Climate Physics
Hi! My name is Emilia and I come from Poland but live in the Netherlands where I’m doing my master’s in Climate Physics. My academic interests focus on physical oceanography and the influence of climate change and plastic pollution on the ocean. Personally, I am passionate about marine biology and I love spending my free time sailing and diving which allows me to observe marine life from up close. I am also involved in youth initiatives related to ocean conservation and advocacy. I am excited to be a part of the YOUMARES team and share ideas on sustainable oceans with young marine researchers in Berlin!

Bsc Marine and Freshwater Biology, Msc Erasmus Mundus Tropimundo
My name is Borbála, I’m from Hungary and currently enrolled for a masters focusing on tropical biodiversity and ecosystems after my marine and freshwater biology bachelors. My main interest is the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on ecosystems and animal behaviour, especially in mediterranean/tropical environments. I am also interested in bringing together science and art to raise awareness and cope with eco anxiety. My passion for the seas have come from a young age despite coming from a landlocked country, and I’m excited to be a Youmares volunteer and contribute to a sustainable and improving future of our seas.