Between Space and the seafloor – Aqua vita est

12.-14. SEPTEMBER 2012, LÜBECK
YOUMARES 3 was organized in close cooperation with EMB Fraunhofer Research Institution for Marine Biotechnology and its local head Prof. Dr. Charli Kruse. The Institute concentrates on fields of cellular technology, aquatic biotechnology and cell-based medical techniques.
We have been looking hard for a decent venue to host this special event and WE HAVE FOUND IT!
The Hanseatic City of Luebeck is, situated at the river Trave, Germany’s gate to the Baltic. The Brick Stone Gothic gives the Queen of the Hanse a unique flair of maritime modernity with historical memory. Niederegger Marzipan is probably as well known as Thomas Mann’s first novel “Buddenbrooks”.
In 2012 Luebeck is celebrating having been elected as the German “City of Science”. (only in German)
The conference venue was at “Die Gemeinnützige” in down-town Lübeck and we were happy to welcome 170 participants to this event and listen to 10 sessions and various workshops.
YOUMARES 3 Sessions:
- Aliens from inner space: Where do they come from, what do they do an how can we stop them?
- Between Sea and Anthroposphere: Marine socio-economics in an era of global change
- Environmental changes in the pelagic: consequences and acclimatization strategies – from plankton to fish
- Integrated Aquaculture – Polyculture of plants, invertebrates and finfish
- Ocean Modelling: Theory & Concepts
- Physical Oceanography – Between Measuring and Modelling
- Reefs from shallow to deep – environmental constraints and perspective
- The aquatic climate archive: tracking the rise and fall of ancient civilizations.
- Lessons from the past, for the present and the future?
- Water resources in coastal areas – scarcity and management implications
Conference program

Overview of YOUMARES 2020 Sessions
Session 1: The microscopic engines of the oceans: role and strategies of marine microbes in a changing world
Hosts: Alejandra Elisa-Magaña, Belén Franco-Cisterna (University of Southern Denmark)
YOUMARES Detailed Program – Physical
Session 2: Assessing the real concentrations of microplastic and their actual effects on marine biota
Hosts: Lukas Novaes Tump (University of Oldenburg, Germany), Mel Constant (LASIR, Unversité Lille 1, France)
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Session 3a: Coral restoration & marine conservation
Hosts: Sarah Abdelhamid, Victoria Huk (University of Rostock, Germany)
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Session 4: Fjord systems: Ecology, bentho-pelagic coupling, and anthropogenic impacts
Hosts : Thomas Heran, Santiago Pineda (Alfred Wegner Institute, Germany)
Session 5a: How do marine key species respond to a rapidly changing environment?
Hosts: Jan Phillip Geißel (IMBRESea, Belgium)
Session 6: Extracting non-renewable resources from the oceans: challenges and opportunities from the perspective of social acceptance
Host: Roald Leeuwerik (Leibniz ZMT, Germany)
Session 7: Machine learning in the marine sciences: opportunities and challenges
Hosts: David Greenberg, Moritz Mathis (Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht, Germany)
Session 8: Let’s talk business – career perspectives for scientists in the maritime industry
Hosts: Laura Eisenblatt (Maritime Cluster – Schleswig-Holstein)
YOUMARES Detailed Program – Physical
Open session: Interdisciplinary topics