Opportunities and Solutions – Research for our changing Oceans

YOUMARES 5 with more than 100 partcicpants, guests, speakers, session-chairs from more than 8 nations has taken place successfully in Stralsund from 10th -12th of September, 2014). The 2 ½-day program included 33 lectures and 15 posters in the unique ambiance of our host, the OZEANEUM, directly at the harbour site of Stralsund. In workshops and field trips, the participants could besides visiting the OZEANEUM, learn from our partner Springer Media and Business all about scientific publishing, discuss with Aldebaran Marine Research & Media on knowledge transfer and visit two exhibitions offered in Stralsund about plastic pollution in the sea. As part of our poster session, the participants were also able to check company and career opportunities. Great keynote talks were given by Sven Hille (IOW), Dr. Florian Weinberger (GEOMAR) and Dr. Claudia Hanfland (AWI – Graduate School).
As a long time supporter, SPRINGER sponsored awards for the three best poster and oral presentations:
Best Posters
- Lindan Mlambo – Population dynamics of euphausiid species of the Benguela current off the Namibian coast
- Luisa Federwisch, Glass sponge environments in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica (Session: Cold water research from high latitudes coasts to deep sea trenches)
- Steffi Meyer – Evaluating the impact of scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) cultivation on the benthic infaunal community in Sechura Bay, Peru (Session:Aquaculture in a changing ocean)
Best Oral Presentations
- Duygu Sevgi Sevilgen, – The response of subtidal microphytobenthos communities from a temperate and arctic site to rapid temperature increases (Session: Cold water research from high latitudes coasts to deep sea trenches)
- Isabel Richter, Changing oceans – changing seafood consumption (Session: individual engagement in environmental change)
- Ines Stuhldreier – Coral reef functioning in upwelling-influenced reefs at the Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Session: Coral Reef ecology, management and conservation in a rapidly changing ocean environment)
The winners were awarded book vouchers and small gifts from Springer.
YOUMARES 5 sessions:
- Small-Scale Fisheries Research – towards sustainable fisheries using a multi-entry perspective
Session chairs: Anna Schuhbauer, Soledad Luna - Individual Engagement in Environmental Change
Session chairs: Diana Süsser, Corinna de Guttry - Aquaculture in a changing ocean
Session chair: Nina Bloecher - Coral Reef ecology, management and conservation in a rapidly changing ocean environment
Session chairs: Ulisse Cardini, Laura Rix - Tools and Methods supporting an Ecosystem Based Approach to Marine Spatial Management
Session chairs: Antje Gimpel, Henrike Seidel - Measurement and Control Engineering – the Clockwork in Marine Science
Session chairs: Saskia Heckmann, Sabrina Kalita - Aquatic Plastic Pollution – tackling environmental impacts with new solutions
Session chairs: Magnus Svendsen Nerheim, Julia Hämer - Mangrove Forests – an endangered ecological and economic transition zone between ocean and land
Session chairs: Hilke Alberts-Hubatsch, Nathalie Pülmanns - Effects of Global Climate Change on Emerging Infectious Diseases of Marine Fish
Session chair: Jalil Zorriehzahra - Cold Water Research – From high latitude coasts to deep sea trenches
Vera Golz, Christian Jessen, Sabrina Kalita, Vincent Wilms, Aileen Reichel, Lisa Hanslik, Lisa Mertens, Jasmin Heiden, Christina Hörterer, Rene Benkendorf