In a world where we are constantly confronted by environmental emergencies, the challenge for scientists to define problems and find solutions is getting more and more urgent. We believe in the power of shared knowledge from the marine realm at this year’s YOUMARES 12 conference. If you are a marine scientist, marine engineer, innovator in the marine field, belonging to an NGO, a social scientist or an expert in marine governance and policy WE INVITE YOU to create an interdisciplinary hotspot with us.

WE ARE CALLING young professionals, marine enthusiasts, early career scientists (Bachelor, Master and PhD students as well as postdocs), and young innovators to PRESENT and COMMUNICATE YOUR RESEARCH, PROJECT, IDEAS OR INNOVATIONS at YOUMARES 12 in one of the following sessions related to the goal “Clean Oceans” of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

Session 1:

 Ocean pollution and degradation – threats to human health?

Session 2:

Eutrophication, microbial pollution and harmful algae blooms

Session 3:

Industrial and chemical pollution

Session 4:

Plastics pollution

Session 5:

Return to healthy – restoration and resilience of polluted marine areas

Session 6:

Ocean invaders, the consequences of biological pollution

Session 7: 

Go with the flow, how pollutants disperse in marine spaces

Session 8:

Socio – economic factors and sustainable, ecosystem-based management

Session 9:

 Open interdisciplinary session: if the topic you want to present does not fit into one of the sessions above

More information about the content and goals of the sessions will be available soon

You can choose the format of your presentation:

  • Oral presentation (15 min)
  • Flash talk (5 min)
  • Poster

Please note that depending on the number of abstracts submitted, authors may be asked to change the format of their contribution to either oral presentation, flash talk or poster presentation.

Abstracts of all presenters at the YOUMARES 12 will be included in the conference booklet.

To SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT, please follow these steps. The conference language is English 

  1. Write your Abstract:
  • Indicate which format you would like to present: Oral, flash, poster
  • Please indicate your preference for online or physical attendance of the conference in your abstract
  • Abstracts should focus on any of the sessions listed on our website
  • Title (max. 20 words)
  • Names and affiliation of the author and co-authors
  • Abstract: short concise and significant
  • Max. 300 words, not including title and author information)
  • Use the “Abstract Template”, which you can download below this call
  1. Attach your most recent CV
  • Your CV should at least include your field of study, current level, achieved degree(s) and current employer/working group, if applicable.
  • This information will not be published, but will help the session chairs to introduce the speakers.
  1. Send everything as one PDF file and your abstract additionally as .doc or .docx document to:

We are looking forward to your abstract submissions – inspiring talks and interesting conversations!

We are looking forward to see you at YOUMARES 12 conference!

Your YOUMARES 12 organization team